Compassion, Dedication, Innovation, Collaboration
OUR HISTORY Children’s Respite Care Center (CRCC) was co-founded by Theresa Fitzgerald and Christine Johnson in response to an unmet need in the Omaha community. Families who had children with special needs had very limited choices for specialized day services. When developing the program, the most important source of information came from the parents themselves who desired a comprehensive program that addressed the cognitive, therapeutic, and social needs of this special population.
While CRCC values all children, we use the term special needs to refer to a distinct group of children. CRCC focuses on the holistic development of each client. They are said to have special needs because their health, well being, and development require a specially designed plan of care in order to reach their maximum potential. Children’s Respite Care Center is the only facility of its kind in Nebraska. CRCC opened its first facility in 1990. With the need established, a second facility was opened in 1995. An increased demand for care for older children and adolescents prompted the opening of a third site in 1999. "Our philosophy is to care for special needs children in such a way that enables growth, and first recognizes and preserves the dignity of each"